Business Tips: #AskGaryVee Episode 135: When Is It Time To Get A Personal Assistant?
Awesome Tip: #AskGaryVee Episode 135: When Is It Time To Get A Personal Assistant?
What did you think about today’s shooooooow?
01:54 -If you ever became the CEO of a local chamber of a community of 12k, what would be the first thing you would do?
04:42- What is one of your favorite questions asked by an interviewee for a position at VaynerMedia?
08:44- What have you learned from wine deals?
11:56- What is your biggest goal heading into the homestretch of 2015?
14:03- When do you know it’s time to hire an assistant?
Gary Vaynerchuk builds businesses. Fresh out of college he took his family wine business and grew it from a $3M to a $60M business in just five years. Now he runs VaynerMedia, one of the world’s hottest digital agencies. Along the way he became a prolific angel investor and venture capitalist, investing in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Uber, and Birchbox before eventually co-founding VaynerRSE, a $25M angel fund.
The #AskGaryVee Show is Gary’s way of providing as much value value as possible by taking your questions about social media, entrepreneurship, startups, and family businesses and giving you his answers based on a lifetime of building successful, multi-million dollar companies.
Gary is also a prolific public speaker, delivering keynotes at events like Le Web, and SXSW, which you can watch right here on this channel.
Find Gary here:
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29 Replies to “Business Tips: #AskGaryVee Episode 135: When Is It Time To Get A Personal Assistant?”
Thank you for your answering, really great point!
Yes this is my first episode, I'll admit I didn't like the first interview I heard with him months ago but slowly he's been growing on me and this video just sealed it. Valuable, entertaining and straight forward content. I'm in!
Gary is right! "Scale the unscalable"
Slowly catchinng up on every #AskGaryVee show. 3 weeks in and im at episode 135. Hopefully i don't catch up anytime soon. I LOVE THIS SHIT!!
Goodell is a moron. Tom Brady is a football god! But I love your videos, Gary and I am learning so much from these so THANK YOU!!!
The "fire" @ 4:30 was too good XD
I love to see the evolve. Sometimes I check episode 1 after the latest episode I have seen and the evolve is Amazing and powerful. Last 3 weeks I am evolving myself, I don't drink alcohol in the weekends Anymore because I am a hunter and alcohol is slowing down the hunt on my goals! Thanks Gary
Great show!
help me, help them, help me, help us, as they say about help, you can never get enough!
Is there a proper amount to pay an assistant? Bc that's a struggle of mine.
great show. probably a great idea to spend more time with the fam, it'll pay your dividends in a few years.. or at least i'd hope so.
#SOTD I think the thing I'm enjoying most about this show (as well as a long running underlying theme through the entire series) is the discussion on looking after your health and training.
Without actually right hooking the importance of fitness and health you're actually also selling (jabbing) the need to get up and get physically active. Along with the fact that you might be one of the busiest people around, you've still got to make time, or get help to do so.
Nice one Gary.
Thanks P
Leaves changing color…its about to rain in Q4! Love it! Great flashback, I came from retail too. Great Show!
#QOTD- the shoooooow is always a must for me.
last 3 weeks- this one is a bit long! been working on a website ,and blogs everywhere ,so I can create a team for a project. been streaming on meerkat, and more people are starting to like it
@garyvaynerchuk – Definitely create those new originals…caught those videos first, and was hooked. Look forward to more!
So behind on the show. I think depending on how I got the interview one question I would want to ask Gary is does he think my resumes matters and is that why I'm sitting there. This would be at the end so I can ask him about me and what he's observed so far.
Spent last three weeks on my latest short film and saw it go through pre-production/production/and post production within that short amount of time to be released last Friday.
love it – keep the value coming
Great show, Gary. Thanks
last answer was great, structure in personal areas is immensely important to being a better person overall (work/personal), last 3 weeks – expand business hours at work to bring in more traffic, 6 day vaca in Denver for labor day, college kids come back to town (9k more peeps in town!) go jets/go mets
Statement of the Day:
As a college student, I find that this is the perfect time to train myself in scheduling. I'm working out as I write this and forcing myself to make a schedule and stick to it is what will get me to where I want to be.
Great ep., Gary! Looking forward to the Vikes' season opener in San Fran!
I dug this episode a lot. Especially the title question and the plans for the winter.
Answer to QOTD – I miss India and I want to learn to ride your skateboard.
we missed you too Gary!
So happy the show is baasaaaackkkkkkk!!!
Am I the only one who could hardly focus on the video because that VM board in the back was too dope! I want one!
Hey Gary! Thanks for this video — shared it with several friends who use Instagram as their main social media for their businesses!!
I thought today's show was great ! I shot a new short film this week, and I m still doing my #ItsFriday videos every #Friday to promote happiness and love for yourself.
Great shooooooooow
Where and how did you buy your last gift for a friend?