Business Tips: Do You Wake Up Happy Every Day? | DailyVee 567
Awesome Tip: Do You Wake Up Happy Every Day? | DailyVee 567
Gary was very busy during his recent trip to Columbus, Ohio. He did a keynote and Q&A at SkySprout, met up with NBA player Greg Oden, Did a quick podcast session with David Meltzer, and chopped it up with a bunch of fans… Enjoy!
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Gary Vaynerchuk is the chairman of VaynerX, a modern-day media and communications holding company and the active CEO of VaynerMedia, a full-service advertising agency servicing Fortune 100 clients across the globe. He’s a sought out public speaker, a 5-time New York Times bestselling author, and an angel investor in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, and Uber.
VaynerX, also includes Gallery Media Group, which houses women’s lifestyle brand PureWow and men’s lifestyle brand ONE37pm. In addition to running VaynerMedia, Gary also serves as a partner in the athlete representation agency VaynerSports, cannabis-focused branding and marketing agency Green Street and restaurant reservations app Resy. Gary is a board/advisory member of Ad Council and Pencils of Promise, and is a longtime Well Member of Charity: Water.
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38 Replies to “Business Tips: Do You Wake Up Happy Every Day? | DailyVee 567”
holy shit, Greg Oden
It's crazy how one sentence that comes out of Gary's mouth can get you thinking for a whole hour
At 10. I was debating if I should take selling sneakers at 27 seriously. Time is still my friend. Tnks.
10:06 Gary' will have a neckache after talking to that guy.
11:35 – 11:45 great advice on how to find your biggest secrets holding you back from putting yourself out there
Before finding him I was seriously depressed thinking that I wasn’t going to be anything in life but what people told me I should be. I studied to become a Police Officer specializing in Narcotics because everyone was telling me “This is what your good at.” Without even thinking to myself if I even wanted to do this. Thankfully one of my friends lead me to his and I can’t describe how much this opened my eyes. I’m 21 right now, finally had the courage to tell my parents I won’t be a cop and am now focusing on my happiness and were I want to be when I’m 60. Since I was young I’ve always loved hair and dancing, sadly I can’t lean towards dancing as I critically injured myself so I want to pursue Cosmetology. I realize that I won’t make a fortune, but I know that I’ll wake up everyday even when I’m 60 still loving it.
What a Huge man
Your vibe aligns with me 100%! Straight forward truth is how I deliver it and I definitely get haters. I too have such deep empathy for them because I know where that hate comes from. And when it comes down to it, their opinion and thoughts of me are none of my business. I'm going to keep being authentically me with no apologies. Thank you for being brutally honest. I truly appreciate you.
Oden 11:18 – YOU HAVE a story to tell!! #1 draft pick…larger than life. Suffers major injury and the world quickly forgot about you!! "How did you overcome that" would be a "talk" that I would pay money to hear!!
Gary i love you man! I am getting my whole company to follow you!
This was the best Gary, you're the best amazing advice here. I started using your advice and used Authentic views com to get my views up and WOW i have nearly doubled the leads to my page
Message of the century given in first 40 seconds of this video. End of line. Thats it. Thats what we need to hear, learn adopt and execute.
From my point of view the most realist person and the most smartest person on planet earth
Gary – I have a 6 year old son who has an eternal glass half-full attitude, which is awesome, but I can’t discipline him because of it! How do I best HELP him cultivate that mentality?
Happiness >>>>
I do wonder why I am putting my time and efforts on whatever I am working hard for from time to time. And every time, these speeches come in time to remind me and reignite the desire in me. Thank you again. Thank you for telling the truth and spreading it, and speaking loud!
Succeed on Facebook
So bummed I couldn't make it to see you in Columbus, I live nearby. Really appreciate all of your content, sharing, and authenticity. <3
Happyness's gotta be the north star. Love you, Gary!
“People are flabbergasted about how nobody really gives a fuck” FACTS!!!!! I stress this all the time to my friend. She worries wayyy too much about what OTHER people think of her when it only matters what YOU think of YOURSELF. Everyone has their own issues they’re worrying about they don’t have time to worry about yours too. People are naturally selfish they don’t care about what you’re doing which is why it’s important to focus on yourself. It’s hard to understand this but once you do life is much more simpler. love it.
Great one, thank you Gary !
No worries no concerns it's all good , I got this
It's hard to wake up happy every day but I think one way to do that is by preparing the night before! Putting yourself in a mindset that makes room for happiness before you sleep, I think influences your attitude the next day!
get this man a baby snap filter stat!
I'm not a trust fund baby, but I'm close, because I inherited money from a family situation. You saying "The most fucked people are the trust fund babies," this struck so true to me. I came into thousands of dollars at 18 on a monthly basis (at the time I worked a mall job making $180 a week and went to $2500 a week.) This money currently still supports my lifestyle (I'm 28 now), and all my friends were/are jealous(openly) that I get "free" money. I bought 2, 3 and even 4 times of everything we did back in the day, so everyone could participate in the crazy life I was given (not worked for.) But now that I'm older, I'm a little more frugal and trying to have common grounds with my peers. I limit my myself to have less money than everyone else, and save/invest as much as possible. I started my business (2016) that I went from "Fuck that guy, he has free money" to moving out of my hometown, and now "You work too hard, take a break," which is a good thing to me, give or take a bit. But honestly, I wasn't happy then because I couldn't find ways to relate to my peers (because I was "so rich.)" And now I'm unhappy on a moral level where, what I chose to do, isn't what I really want to do with my life. It was just what I enjoyed at the time when I started. I make between 20-30K a month with my business plus my inheritance, but I want something new. Something that is beneficial to the planet and the well being of the people around me. I struggle everyday because I work hard (16-18 hours a day) running my business, but it's not my true passion anymore, it's just a lifestyle I have built. Day in and day out, I talk about quitting and finding something more fulfilling because I'm not happy anymore. Everyone wants to interject, "Don't quit you are doing really well, keep it going." I agree and I'm proud of my success. But on a moral level I want out more than anything. I want to help people to better the world as a whole, but I honestly don't know how. I employee people to help their circumstances, not because I, or the business needs it. I can work more hours and then profit 100% (based on y current model,) but I want to see my peers do better. So I do what I can to help them, make better of their lives with my business and help them survive. What do I do now? I'm totally lost.
Anyone know the guy at 5:30 (q&a)
I thought I wanted to work alone, all alone. I was hiding from my insecurities. I don’t want to work alone, I LOVE people. I still want to do what I want, when I want but that doesn’t mean being in solitude. God I’m so happy my perspective changed, it actually repulses me I thought I would be happy all alone with one or two friends and a boyfriend. I was scared to be myself, life is too short, fuck that
Loved this!!!
Whts the music in start of this video? Please somebody
happy AF
I love u gary from Pakistan. I really love u for speaking truth to our faces. Thank u so much
Focus on your life purpose and grander goals of how to best service/add value in other people’s lives. The less you are most likely to care about what other people think
I used to worry a lot about other people.
yes yes. yes
7:55 it has taken me a long time to realize this, so freeing when I work on my insecurities, they are just that.
I spent majority of the night crying my eyes out. I woke up and I saw this. Thank you so much.
Gary Vee should be the hero of young people, not fucking somebody from the school book.
Never wake up happy