Business Tips: How To Build The Tallest "Building" | Gary Vaynerchuk Original Film

Business Tips: How To Build The Tallest "Building" | Gary Vaynerchuk Original Film

Awesome Tip: How To Build The Tallest "Building" | Gary Vaynerchuk Original Film

There are two ways you can “build the biggest building in town”. You can either spend all your time and energy focusing on your making your building the tallest, or you can go around and try to tear everyone else’s building down. Anybody that is trying to tear you down is hurting inside and doesn’t realize their happiness does not come at the expense of someone else’s. Having compassion, sympathy, and empathy for your fellow human are REQUIRED for your own happiness. The world is abundant. Nobody else is taking out of your pocket.

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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and the Chairman of VaynerX, a modern day communications parent company, as well as the CEO and Co-Founder of VaynerMedia, a full-service digital agency servicing Fortune 500 clients across the company’s 4 locations.
Gary is a venture capitalist, 5-time New York Times bestselling author, and an early investor in companies such as Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo and Uber. He is currently the subject of WeeklyVee, an online documentary series highlighting what it’s like to be a CEO and public figure in today’s digital world. He is also the host of #AskGaryVee, a business and advice Q&A show online.

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29 Replies to “Business Tips: How To Build The Tallest "Building" | Gary Vaynerchuk Original Film”

  1. Love Gary… Recently got connected to DROCK over a call for an Ecommerce Project… and pitched my app Idea. He said TGV will be thrilled to try out the app!! I can't wait to get it into their hands.
    If anyone of you are content creators you ought to check out AudioPODo(dot)app
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    Would love to have you as an early adopter. Love you all !!
    Immense Gratitude <3

  2. Gary Vee inspires me to be the most human I can be. The idea of having a "strictly business mindset" or alter ego is irrelevant here. Live from your depths and bring value to the world seems to be his main theme.

  3. So perfect, so timely. Anyone who has been following and listening to Prof G for at least a month has seen his message of empathy and selflessness. I mean, he and his team literally created the bluebook and just gave it away and said: go do this. So, when he says he's rooting for others' success, he means it. I could go on…. Keep walking the talk, Prof. Thank you for building this message in my lifetime so that I/we and generations to come will benefit from it. Great job, Team GaryVee.

  4. Thank you gary.. I got to know you recently.. And you changed my life.. Literally you changed my life.. I started working on myself.. Build a better personality.. Thank you so much for doing all this..

    — Your Average Fan

  5. Great video. Can you pull the BLM part out into a separate video … running from about 0:58 to 2:44? Would like to send around. P.S. Please run for President. The Jets, the Jets, I know, but you'd be the perfect president because you have a mix of compassion and smarts that could make a huge difference in this country.

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