Business Tips: My Biggest Differentiator in the Advertising World

Business Tips: My Biggest Differentiator in the Advertising World

Awesome Tip: My Biggest Differentiator in the Advertising World

Gary biggest advantage going into the marketing space was not knowing anything. While that may seem like a disadvantage at first, it means he wasn’t blinded by the industries history and was able to operate his business in new and innovative ways. Just because you are new and don’t know anything about a business or industry, your fresh pair of eyes might just be the thing that sparks in much-needed innovation.

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Gary Vaynerchuk is the chairman of VaynerX, a modern-day media and communications holding company and the active CEO of VaynerMedia, a full-service advertising agency servicing Fortune 100 clients across the globe. He’s a sought out public speaker, a 5-time New York Times bestselling author, and an angel investor in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, and Uber.

VaynerX, also includes Gallery Media Group, which houses women’s lifestyle brand PureWow and men’s lifestyle brand ONE37pm. In addition to running VaynerMedia, Gary also serves as a partner in the athlete representation agency VaynerSports, cannabis-focused branding and marketing agency Green Street and restaurant reservations app Resy. Gary is a board/advisory member of Ad Council and Pencils of Promise, and is a longtime Well Member of Charity: Water.

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40 Replies to “Business Tips: My Biggest Differentiator in the Advertising World”

    2:30 – I was a marketer who happened to be running a wine business
    4:20 – It’s fun to be an enigma
    8:10 – Stop demonizing quantity (1 vanilla video isn’t quality)
    9:30 – Messages Gary wants to convey to the ad world
    10:15 – If HBO was creative agency they would have 1 show
    14:15 – “How are you going to make VaynerMedia more well known?”

  2. I want to devote my life working against the global warming and working for the environment. The need for a change is too urgent and I have no idea what to do. Can you help me out ? Can you give me any advice or put me through someone you know that can help me ? Thank you.

    Guys, please like this comment so he can see it or please help me out

  3. Kids being smartass on how she does her job – she knows she can voice record! What works for her over the years is having him in front of her, taking notes, clarifying as she goes along, then honing what she's written into her 300 words. She's gonna change that for you??

  4. It doesn't appear that this podcaster had any knowledge or background information on Gary. Would think a better use of his time and hers would have been to watch a couple of his videos before the interview.

  5. I find it lovely how Gary tolerates the awkward situation generated by the weird interview setup (with the interviewer being also a typist). This man is not only preaching about NOT JUDGING others. I got it from the other comments that I wasn't the only one frustrated to watch this "dialogue", but for those that were patient to reach the end of it, Gary's reaction to her abrupt cutting off with: "This is fantastic! I'm going to, unfortunately, stop you though…" validates what I just said even more.
    I want to thank Gary for being so consistent in not trying to provide inspiration, but minding his own path and just sharing and allowing others to get inspired in their own terms.

  6. You are the person I want to be when I'm older. I literally have the same dreams as you, building a firm like you have and buying known brands and companies. My whole life dream is pretty much what you're doing.

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