Business Tips: REVERSE ENGINEER | DailyVee 043
Awesome Tip: REVERSE ENGINEER | DailyVee 043
watch all of my journey as an entrepreneur HERE:
music featured in this DAILYVEE:
♫”Intro (Life)” By Koko –
♫”Closer” By Young Americano –
♫”You Can’t Stay Here” By Koko –
♫”Love to Hustle” By Young Americano –
♫”Arbitrage” By After Space-
♫”Sunny” By Thomas Welch –
♫”Failed You” By Mad Real –
DailyVee Selects:
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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and the CEO and founder of VaynerMedia, a full-service digital agency servicing Fortune 500 clients across the company’s 5 locations. Gary is also a prolific public speaker, venture capitalist, 4-time New York Times Bestselling Author, and has been named to both Crain’s and Fortune’s 40 Under 40 lists.
Gary is the host of the #AskGaryVee Show, a business and marketing focused Q&A video show and podcast, as well as DailyVee, a docu-series highlighting what it’s like to be a CEO, investor, speaker, and public figure in today’s digital age.
Make sure to stay tuned for Gary’s latest project Planet of the Apps, Apple’s very first video series, where Gary will be a judge alongside Will.I.Am, Jessica Alba, and Gwyneth Paltrow.
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42 Replies to “Business Tips: REVERSE ENGINEER | DailyVee 043”
We are still here, checking in gary
Watching this a bit late (2019) but have been hearing a lot about reverse engineering, it makes a lot of sense. I think the confusion comes in when people believe that the goal they have to stick to has to be major. It can be a short-term goal, all you need is discipline. Great video!
Cociena = performance what …..huh …." hurry yep yes ok cool '
Know what you want first! Thank you Gary!
Reverse Engineer! Know what you want! 24/7/365 This is an ALL-TIME SPECIAL place! Do people realize it? AUTHENTICITY. PASSION. ATTENTION. Know everything about the top people who work with you! IF YOU ARE SCARED YOU ARE LOST. => work! Understand your room and your CUSTOMER/CONSUMER. => Content with SPEED in the dirt. Thanks Gary V and DRock! You both rock obviously! See ya soon!
what reverse engineer??
great one again Gary. my social game is growing daily
lol'd when Gary came back with the, "Actually. I think I'm speaking at this thing."
buy the Jets?
Figure out what you want, reverse engineer it and get it
6:32 who is your seven people? Is it "CEO's" of each department or something? 2. Do you find them or do you grow them (or both)? How do you pay them ( percentage from performance, or just basic salary). There is so many questions I have with this issue. Do you have any content or advices on this piece ( or maybe book recommendation)? Would really appreciate it.
Yo Gary, I have to see you this summer and discuss platforms , trends , affiliations, strength and weaknesses and call to action.
7:15 love losing
16:20– if u know where u're going, you have a better chance of getting there
Hi Gary, why you never notice the fact that your religion helped you to achieve your goals. Could you notice the importance of being religious is business. Want some deep feedback.
Thanks and gl !
Gary, keep fucking killing it, and so will I.
Don't be Confused. Focus on the most important thing. Go & Get It!
"I think I'm speaking at this thing." lol
talks to his employees constantly. You have to know what you want and THEN reverse engineer it.
My Fave Quotes: "Biggest mistake people make is not having real relationships." "I love losing." "You can't win as an entrepreneur unless you love losing." "If you're scared of the game you've lost"
the last part of this video is AMAZING!!!!! I love that little rant and it's so true how most of people have no idea what the want and why, and that's usually the reason why they never get shit done in life. Love u GV!!!!
I loved the last 30 seconds the most! Keep it up.
gary see you at the top the execution is in the process…2017 dedicated to brand awareness..its sales and marketing in effect at course….i read between the li es with ppl and i understand you #facto.see you at the top guy
Guys would you know where to find young americano – closer? I've looked around but doesn't seem to exist
That dance analogy was perfect.
slow grind. I am all for it.
Thanks Gary!
BEST FUCKING VIDEO EVER!!!! Hands down GaryVee your my Inspiration to make me believe anything is possible. Keep up that HUSTLE
So much love and appreciation for this video! Always good for that motivational kick up the arse. Big up to Gary and the team!
I can not express enough thanks for your time, knowledge and commitment to continual pushing your valuable content out there. Since discovering you earlier this week I have been all in!
That's not what reverse engineering mean but it's a great inspirational video.
Gary, is that Les Brown that you was listening to on or about the minute mark
Absolutely loved it! Thank you.
Always stoked to watch your DailyVee plus DRock does a solid job editing. A close knit of us out of Hawaii follow you on a daily basis which feeds us to take action. Mahalo and keep doing you. Be Kū! Aloha.
you did not let the first guy answer your question
Hats off to Paul Rabil! Look up to both you guys!
Damm ! So plain and simple !
Your stuff is great!
REVERSE ENGENEER ? LOL in other words such work hard and keep the finishing line in sight and mind, reverse engeneer lol hahaha what a word