Please stop judging. Please. Just please stop judging. It’s just so obvious and clear, now that everybody’s got a pen and a paper. It’s a phone. Now that everybody’s got a pen and a paper. Judgment is fucking flying from every, every dimension, every angle. Everybody’s judging, and I’m just asking you please, to stop. Share. Share. Build people up, don’t drag them down. Judgment coming from all angles and all streams, all the time, 24/7. Who the fuck are you to judge? Who the fuck do you think you are? I just am flabbergasted by people’s inability to realize the hypocrisy of their judgments. They’re going to be exposed. You’re going to be exposed. Do you understand?

Please please look at the playlist linked below and check out the entire playlist, it is extremely impactful and so incredibly valuable to so many of you:

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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and the CEO and founder of VaynerMedia, a full-service digital agency servicing Fortune 500 clients across the company’s 4 locations. Gary is also a prolific public speaker, venture capitalist, 4-time New York Times Bestselling Author, and has been named to both Crain’s and Fortune’s 40 Under 40 lists.

Gary is the host of the #AskGaryVee Show, a business and marketing focused Q&A video show and podcast, as well as DailyVee, a docu-series highlighting what it’s like to be a CEO, investor, speaker, and public figure in today’s digital age.

Make sure to stay tuned for Gary’s latest project Planet of the Apps, Apple’s very first video series, where Gary is a judge alongside Will.I.Am, Jessica Alba, and Gwyneth Paltrow.

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24 Replies to “Business Tips: TRACK 3: THE FLAW OF JUDGMENT IN A SOCIAL WORLD”

  1. Watched the whole series and this track hit me the hardest. Towards the end when you say that if someone starts to get their happiness by dragging others down then they've lost the game [of life]. That hit me differently, because I definitely am tempted to sink to that level when I think someone else is doing it to me first. But coming at it from this angle, it's a lot easier to resist that urge because I don't want to lose the game of life and if you make that call you've lost.

  2. It's just fascinating to me how raw and yet powerful this is. I'm stressing out about production, about how my editing skills are lacking when none of that matters. None of that matters. Not at the scale of the value you provide. Value always comes first.

  3. LOVE the audio quality! I think this is fucking great. All of it. To me, this is better watching it unfold out of his mind with less of a filter compared to hearing his same pitch in every video. Truly truly truly appreciate this style.

  4. A couple of years ago I noticed how much I filtered people, connections through my judgement, so I took 12 months where I would consciously not filter or judge that I'd challenge myself – incredible how things change and opportunities open even where you never imagined they would because we judged someone in some way. Loved this one and think I need to put more effort into being aware of judgement and being more accepting, tolerant and open to more 🙂

  5. I honestly struggle with this and am conflicted with how to change it.
    I'm figuring out some of my self esteem stems from feeling like I'm better than other people and I'm conflicted on how to change this mindset. A recent past experience has shown me how it's not a healthy mindset, but sometimes I do feel better than other people and this helps push my competitiveness and confidence. I then think, well then a portion of your confidence is built on a rocky unstable foundation. Can others share their perspective on this? Very simply question: do you feel like your better than anyone else? We're all working towards our own success in our fields of choice, so we have to be better than people to excel, does not mean we can feel better than others? I dunno…

  6. Not judging is simple but not natural. All you have to do is imagine yourself in the other person's shoes. Would you like to be judged the way you are judging? If your judgment creates value and you can communicate it effectively you get thumbs up but if you just want to gain 12 seconds of attention to flatter your ego you'll be the guy or girl who's just good enough at tearing people down. This is the way everyone will see you and you will attract people who think its cool. At the end of the day you will not even be remembered because your judgment was merely entertaining and everyone knows how short entertainment on the web is.

    In a few posts my comment will have disappeared, drowned in other comments. But that's ok because that's the fate of all the comments. I just put it out there because I want to say it even if no-one is reading. My mother was a Greek immigrant arriving to France in the 70s and I ate shit in school because I have a Greek first name and talk a bit funny. That's why Gary's story touched me and decided to listen. In the end if you listen carefully you will come to the same realization: just ignore the dumb judgments and rise above, the haters will pick on someone else when you ignore them. At least it works for me.

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