Business Tips: Why Everything Is Scary Until You Do It | DailyVee 593
Awesome Tip: Why Everything Is Scary Until You Do It | DailyVee 593
People live in fear of the unknown. We are afraid of trying something new or different in fear of the bad outcomes we pontificate like judgment, failure, pain or anything else that we can imagine. The reality is that not only will those “worst-case scenarios” not actually happen, but you could actually really end up enjoying the risk you took. Almost everything plays out scarier in our heads than they do in real life. Take the risk and stop fearing the hypothetical outcomes.
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Gary Vaynerchuk is the chairman of VaynerX, a modern-day media and communications holding company and the active CEO of VaynerMedia, a full-service advertising agency servicing Fortune 100 clients across the globe. He’s a sought out public speaker, a 5-time New York Times bestselling author, and an angel investor in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, and Uber.
VaynerX, also includes Gallery Media Group, which houses women’s lifestyle brand PureWow and men’s lifestyle brand ONE37pm. In addition to running VaynerMedia, Gary also serves as a partner in the athlete representation agency VaynerSports, cannabis-focused branding and marketing agency Green Street and restaurant reservations app Resy. Gary is a board/advisory member of Ad Council and Pencils of Promise, and is a longtime Well Member of Charity: Water.
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34 Replies to “Business Tips: Why Everything Is Scary Until You Do It | DailyVee 593”
I'm so comfortable with no and fear and so empathetic to people who aren't. Boom!
No woman in your brain crew? Not so smart!!
Do it or regret it
Thank you for pushing and inspiring people to break out from their self-imposed shell and be more, do more. Stay awesome and keep breaking the rules. Cheers from Barrie, Ontario, Canada.
I just watched your YouTube video titled
"How to get your business the most attention possible in 2020" "Brand is the future" once you said that I stopped watching lol thanks fuck Q&A
I am just here watching his content just to dive into the comments, all the time.
i dont think gary has enough critics. More people need to challenge his views instead of being in a hurry to agree. I dont see much value in his talks other than motivation. For value im hitting up Valuetainment!
Oh my god. Gary in a suit and tie.
man ive never shed a tear listening to your content . but this just hit
small youtuber looking for help! this video is great motivation and is so real! If you are just getting started I will do everything in my power to support you if you do the same back!
Gary you have motivated me to float my YouTube channel and despite that I was skeptical initially, now I just started and its going well,churning out great contents,thanks Garry.
love the intro song
Have become addicted with everything GaryVee has been saying. For some reason, Gary, you just resonate with me more than or better than others have. #rebuildingmyconfidence
this shit made me cry man, fuck. You gotta do you.. you just never know what could happen. Fuck living in fear. It's time to go get it, my friends. Love you all, genuinely mean that <3
He always looks so uptight, just freaked out.
Whats the name of the song that was played
I’m 29 I’m scared shitliss to be 30 but I’d be pissed as hell if I lived until 110.
does it matter what this guy says about perspective dude when hes gonna burn in hell for millions of years if he doesn't get saved….
I’ve decided to work very hard ,fail big , keep on going , use my demons as drive but not give up.Ill keep feeding myself the right content ,no social media and shit just pure optimism that tells it’s hard as fuck but u have what it takes if you are willing to grind yourself into a fucking powder
watch the vedeo from 8:43 to 8:50 so scary dude
I totally understand when u say that sell ur home, live on rent just to live ur dream. I did that few years ago and bought some investment properties for passive income. I got so much free advice that I am doing the wrong thing. Guess what, I own multiple streams on income which gives me personal satisfaction. Besides this, I also work more that 40 hours per week on my job that I love.
Yep. There’s a lot of things I’ve kept myself away from bc of fear, and I’ve gotten no where and feel like I’m not good at anything but fuck it, not anymore! I’ve started my new hobbie and I’m ready taking crazy risks but I’m so happy
Had to give a like for the call. Awesome!
Me: risk it for the biscuit.
Gary: no u
I understand that these videos are beautiful but honestly just give me the information, I don’t need to see a day in the life of this guy every single day. You guys really eat this up?
Just clicked to see Gary in a tie.
Please search Mike Winnet
No music please
I joined your text community. But I'm not getting any text
Is he a new Anthony Robbins with the internet?
At 43 never married, no kids, no property and retraining, I believe I made the right choice for myself in life.
That interrupt with phone call was soooo smooth I’m not even mad
I know I’m not even a penny in the grand scope of it all…but literally everything in this video makes me picture myself in that chair….he is speaking my mind, and kinda freaking me out!