Business Tips: 10 Different Ways to Grow a Business on Social Media | Inside 4Ds: Small Business Consulting

Business Tips: 10 Different Ways to Grow a Business on Social Media | Inside 4Ds: Small Business Consulting

Awesome Tip: 10 Different Ways to Grow a Business on Social Media | Inside 4Ds: Small Business Consulting

In a recent 4Ds session, Gary met with a group of small business owners who are trying to step up their branding, marketing, and strategy on social media. Almost all of their questions were able to be solved with an adjustment or rethinking of the platforms, content and messaging of their brands on social media. The important thing to remember with social media branding as well is that it does not happen overnight. It takes time to post and build a catalog of content for people to understand your brand’s position and what it stands for. These 10 completely different businesses can all implement social media into their marketing strategy in different ways. At least one of these businesses or brands will be similar to yours so there is a lot of value here for everyone… Enjoy!

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Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur and the Chairman of VaynerX, a modern day communications parent company, as well as the CEO and Co-Founder of VaynerMedia, a full-service digital agency servicing Fortune 500 clients across the company’s 4 locations.
Gary is a venture capitalist, 5-time New York Times bestselling author, and an early investor in companies such as Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo and Uber. He is currently the subject of DailyVee, an online documentary series highlighting what it’s like to be a CEO and public figure in today’s digital world. He is also the host of #AskGaryVee, a business and advice Q&A show online.

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30 Replies to “Business Tips: 10 Different Ways to Grow a Business on Social Media | Inside 4Ds: Small Business Consulting”

    1:11 – Advice to grow business
    12:33 -Advice for building brand
    19:10 – How to build 2 brands at once
    25:00 – imposter syndrome and overthinking things
    27:40 – should I start branding myself?
    31:05 – How to lead a small family team and be professional
    35:30 – Best way to drive traffic to our business
    43:15 – How to compete with bigger businesses in our space
    57:23 – How to create more awareness?
    1:01:10 – Next step in my career based on my skills?
    1:09:15 – Should I go fully digital?
    1:14:45 – Partners are thinking short-term

  2. My question is.. I don't have a product or service,a brand.. yet. I am only building my blog and podcast with my personal brand with no 'really reason'… do I need still use as for more awareness or is it still worth to try and build my audience organically only??


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  4. I wanted to point out that not only will it help to be a "practitioner" of the social media platforms so you can ask better questions and get a better feel for who to hire, but you can also learn deeper strategies from potential employees or even people that you end up hiring. If some of their expertise rubs off on you, then you'll be more effective in general, making it even more beneficial to hire good people. It's all about asking the right questions.

  5. If only Gary Vee knew that they do listen in on your phone and tailor Ad suggestions… A SIMPLE YouTube search on this topic will show how wrong and ignorant Gary is on this subject matter, smh.

  6. I think phones ARE listening to us. I had 2-3 cases and someone from the family also mentioned that (someone tech savvy) that they didn't search for something but just talked about it openly in the living room and then got a commercial on that on YT or Google.

  7. I am glad to be apart of the 4 D's program. I am the South Florida Biker Attorney in the video about 59 min in. Best day of my life working with Gary's staff and they have the perfect culture to work for. For me and mine I am in survival mode down here in S. FL trying to settle cases that i have to keep my few employees employed. They need their jobs especially one who's husband just lost his hotel job. I am proud to have done the classes and next week i am putting Gary's advice MORE into play then I have since Feb 2020! So Gary if your watching I will be watching less of you and creating more of my brand 🙂

  8. firing is having your daddies job on a wine shop, hiring is scamming a bouch of investors to live off the cloud ….. youtube dont recommend this scam artist, narcissism is a mental problem.

  9. Gary bringing us so much value while in quarantine! You're the best Gary thanks for the advice, I started using your instagram marketing advice I used Igrocket com to boost my instagram page and WOW I have nearly doubled the leads to my etsy page, you're the best gary!

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