Business Tips: Don't Be This Guy
Awesome Tip: Don't Be This Guy
Family 1st! but after that, Businessman. Just a guy that Loves the Hustle, People, wine and the NYJets. Check out the new site, and tell me what you think at
Marketing your business on social media is a lot like boxing: you can’t always go for the knockout on your first punch. This keynote talks about the psychology behind selling your business and how you can put your business in the best position to succeed on social media.
For a Q&A session, Jeff had asked me to promote his business on social media. I liked his hustle, but he pulled a 19 year old dude move.
Trying to close business on the first transaction is a huge mistake because you can’t just right hook without any jabs. I did like his hustle and it was the right move for him to come to my keynote and learn how to execute the right way.
I know I talk about how my first business was starting a lemonade stand, but in reality my first business was going into people’s yards, stealing their flowers and going to their front door and selling it back to them. I do have to admit once I was like Jeff, I was “Gangster”, but Jeff could have executed this business move a different way. He could have used my tactics from Thank you Economy. Jeff could have approached it another way: if he would have seen one of my tweets about steak, he could have sent me a spice that would have paired well with my steak. Then I would have tweeted about it (his business), but now he fucken blew it, but there are a lot of other pretty girls out there. Jeff if you are reading this the next time you go to the social media bar don’t be a douchebag don’t pull a 19 year old dude move.
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Gary Vaynerchuk is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal Best-Selling author, self-taught wine expert, and innovative entrepreneur.
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44 Replies to “Business Tips: Don't Be This Guy”
He’s sitting in the room, because he paid 3000 to sit in there.
He tried to close on the first transaction because there would have never been a second.
He takes the questions and already forgets the name before he answers the next.
Lol and and he calls that guy the douchebag.
…well…he doesn't need to be "put on"
Look at this video. The dude's face was shown. His business name was dropped.
Hell, I MYSELF just googled his business.
Boom. He got it lol
I like how Gary, wasn't rude with his rejection and, in a way that wasn't belittling the guy, he actually told him how to get it right
Paying attention to the small details of someone whose attention you are trying to get and then incorporating them into your interaction with the person is always a strong move in sales and life!
Cociane’s a hell of a drug
By posting this, you essentially gave him what he asked for.
my name jeff
that guy, just sat behind after your answer..
THE ENERGY!! AMAZING. love you gary!!
my name is Jeff XD
Put him on the spot lol
0:05 my name is jeff
Lol may not have gotten the tweet, but got the 176k worth of free advertising views!
my name jeff
daymmmmmmm gary blew him up. Gary is right though. He approached the pretty girl as a hungry male and got rocked. i respect that.
Lmao old school Gary still killed it!!!!!! #Hustle babyyyy
Nice throwback. Same shit still happening today. Win.
Haha this goes out to everyone that comments here asking to check their Youtube Channel 😛 Don't be that Guy!
Lol! At least the guy wasn't sensitive and he had to know that regardless of what Gary said that his business was about to get coverage. Might not be tweeted but it's on here.
At first it seems like Gary was a prick in this but he just gave a talk, for an hour, on how NOT to do something like that, and the guy just looked to tweet his company, not, hey gary I have a product Id like for you to check out, and thats what Gary says himself.
ive seen this done by TD Jakes with out the cursing who went on to say wrong place wrong guy.
I got called out as the " 19 year old dude move" and was referred to this Video. I am red in the face , but glad because I just learned something! HA!
Short but sweet!
I love his energy .. plus he like.this short dude like.frodo.but on cocain
absolutely love this! worth a shot asking haha
Classic Gary Vee. Awesome i love it #Dont be this guy# # roll with deep pockets#
Red Monkey Foods…..
My family owns Alaska largest health food store… Im gonna look em up.
this man is fucking boss
This is excellent.
in his own way he went against his own word because he said he wouldnt tweet about it but he still posted a youtube video about it so he might not have gotten as many looks at his resturant but he did get 112,722 O.o
The guy asking the question put out the right hook before jabbing. Hopefully he learned from this for the next "pretty girl."
Haha! I get requests like that all the time!
Hahah I appreciated his raw honesty and bluntness, the guy who asked the question should learn from his words because they are true!
They got their plug, find it weird they are not jumping in this conversation here on You Tube.
Just sent this clip to a couple people on twitter. they followed me, their page was also fitness related like mine so i followed back. within minutes they told me to DM them for info if i wanted to make $$ with social media….they were that guy! lol
I don't see the value he gets because you don't even remember the question when you watched the video. I had to watch it 2 times just to remember the name of the food chain. Nice cut out thou!
Gary got one hundred thousand views not him – lol
I loved that Gary 🙂 And your response. Brilliant. You know it's great that he asked that question. His action provoked your answer and what you said was really an essence of how marketing should be done. People do WATCH and LEARN! Another example – i had a client about a month ago and he simply said to me: build me a brand strategy like Apple's. And i said: fine, just tell me what the bite out of Apple means? He didn't get that. And i am sure this guy also didn't get what you said to him.
PLUS 127k have watched the full length keynote… so tack on another 1,270 visits to redmonkeydotcom at my hypothetical 1% rate. Exposure for him personally might not have been that great, but in terms of getting your small business name out in front of a HUGE audience for zero cost, it seemed like a nice little sacrifice play to make. SO HERE IS MY REAL QUESTION,How do you scale the concepts you are talking about in the full length keynote, to a small town, martial arts school?
Gary, first off big fan, thanks for taking time to respond. You're the marketing expert, so I'll defer to you here. BUT… my thought is of the 100K plus people that have watched this clip, if 1% visit redmonkeyfoodscom out of pure curiosity (which I did btw), then he's gotten 1,000 visits to his page. Would have to think that 5% of those visitors may have purchased something. Anyway, that was my logic, but like I said earlier, I'll defer to you here. Thanks again for taking time to reply.
Gary, first off big fan, thanks for taking time to respond. You're the marketing expert, so I'll defer to you here. BUT… my thought is of the 100K plus people that have watched this clip, if 1% visit redmonkeyfoodscom out of pure curiosity (which I did btw), then he's gotten 1,000 visits to his page. Would have to think that 5% of those visitors may have purchased something. Anyway, that was my logic, but like I said earlier, I'll defer to you here. Thanks again for taking time to reply.