Business Tips: YouTube Monetization Policies, Future of FinTech & Fostering Leadership | #AskGaryVee Episode 228
Awesome Tip: YouTube Monetization Policies, Future of FinTech & Fostering Leadership | #AskGaryVee Episode 228
#QOTD: What’s your Jets – Bills prediction? WIN a trip to NYC!
2:06 – What are your thoughts on YouTube’s latest monetization changes?
5:56 – What’s your view on the future of FinTech?
8:13 – What’s the biggest life moment of your kids that you’ve missed due to business?
11:17 – Do you recommend building a personal brand even if you’re a ‘behind the scenes’ player?
12:44 – How do you foster leadership in unsung heroes?
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Gary Vaynerchuk builds businesses. Fresh out of college he took his family wine business and grew it from a $3M to a $60M business in just five years. Now he runs VaynerMedia, one of the world’s hottest digital agencies. Along the way he became a prolific angel investor and venture capitalist, investing in companies like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Uber, and Birchbox before eventually co-founding VaynerRSE, a $25M angel fund.
The #AskGaryVee Show is Gary’s way of providing as much value as possible by taking your questions about social media, entrepreneurship, startups, and family businesses and giving you his answers based on a lifetime of building successful, multi-million dollar companies.
Gary is also a prolific public speaker, delivering keynotes at events like Le Web, and SXSW, which you can watch right here on this channel.
Find Gary here:
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Snapchat: garyvee
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29 Replies to “Business Tips: YouTube Monetization Policies, Future of FinTech & Fostering Leadership | #AskGaryVee Episode 228”
Not sure what type of dad I’d be?
Sooooo many gems in this episode!!! I think the reason I can relate to you is because of your leadership Style. Rachel’s question should be reposted for more people to see!! It’s about building a team!! This is how I see it
I meant with Mr. Simon Sinek
First watch of you… whatever… you did very well
miss seeing the beautiful vaynerpeeps in the back ground. but hey, at least we got a shot of India 🙂
India could get it
12.52 gary the walrus
actual score: jets won 37 to 31
12.53 hey Walrus Gary. 🙂
Can't get enough of you GaryV. Thank you for all you awesome videos.
and now the bills are laughing at your jets….. we hate u2. haha
Love it!
It doesn't matter if you talk shit or not. Can you back it up? That's all that matters. Damn, true words my friend. That's also a little happiness hack
dat 60 !
Love the shows hate the bills though not as much as I hate the Patriots they both suck
24 10 jets, bills get a late score to make it to 10.
I listen to something you put out on today sometimes twice a day but they Daily for sure. found you about 3 months ago I can say it's changed my life. the self audit really seems to be a pathway to success for me. doing what I hate has made me miserable for years in my career. thanks for sharing your experiences there's a lot to learn if I listen and think.
don't know if this will get me to New York City or not but doesn't matter I watch the show when you announce who the winner is and that will make positive difference for me that day.
I do my best everyday and my best keeps getting better.
25 – 14 Jets Win!
Drop the 60p
Why is he playing around with chop sticks?
Why is he playing around with chop sticks?
Jets win 37 to 31, is it to late 😉
Hey you guys changed the camera? whats the difference between this one and the last one?
Don't kill me 🙁
I leave your videos on for my dogs during the day to help you get your views and numbers up, so if I dont comment thats why #askgaryvee #worksmarter #TeamHoney # Give51percent
"…believe in them more than they believe in themselves…" PREACH!
@Drock- Was this shot in 4K?
Gary V, seriously on bench technique: DO READ, DO WATCH VIDEOS, same with other lifts, Olympic or otherwise. Genetics will determine being a champion (mobility, muscle growth, etc).
Who's RICK?!!?!
Jets 13 bills 9 Period!