TEST: How’s Your Social Diet? – RockStar Entrepreneur
Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. I have heard this quote said many times over the years from different people. It is one of those types of quotes I prefer to call a life lesson/life hack and keep referring back to it whenever I need it, which sometimes is pretty often…lol

Which means… If you mainly hang out with broke negative people, that means you will be broke and negative too. Just like if you wanted to get in shape, you wouldn’t want to hang out with a bunch of people that hate exercise and just wanna sit around and eat McDonald’s. You would want to hire a trainer or start hanging out and working out with other people that share your goal of getting in shape. So if you want to make more money, you must hang out with others that are like-minded. If you want to make a Billion Dollars, you wouldn’t want to seek advice from someone working for minimum wage, would you? You ideally would want to seek out someone who has already made a Billion Dollars! This might be by reading a book written by a billionaire, attending events with billionaire speakers, finding a billionaire mentor or hiring a coach that has done this. Obviously finding a billionaire mentor or hiring a billionaire coach would your best chance at making your first billion.
I call it my social diet. Think about it, for your social diet are you eating junk food (Negative People That Bring You Down) or
Fresh Nutrient-Rich Whole Foods (Positive People Who Uplift You)? Hopefully, your social diet consists of mostly Positive People Who Uplift You and you limit the number of Negative People in your social diet.
I also call Negative people spiritual vampires because it can feel like these spiritual vampires feed on the dreams and goals of others. If your social diet consists of too many of these types of people in your life it will be very difficult for you to reach your BIG DREAMS and GOALS in your life.
Love Your Family and Choose Your Friends. This means you might have some negative family in your life. It could be your dad, mom, brother, sister, uncle, cousin or even your spouse. The solution is to limit the amount of time you spend or speak with these negative people unless it’s your spouse (more on that later). This doesn’t mean you ignore or ghost them unless they are really verbally abusive or maybe you just take a little vacation from interacting with them until you are stronger and have a better support team of positive friends. If it’s your spouse that’s negative towards you and always telling your dreams are dumb or impossible, then you must have a heart to heart talk with them and let them know you are trying to better yourself and you need their support.
Regardless of who those social junk food people are in your life, you must find other like-minded people to spend more time with. For myself, I spend time and talk to other like-minded people that share similar goals and are already successful at least once per week. I will have calls, meet up for lunch, dinner, get our families together and even attend masterminds. This is so important and make sure you do this at least once per week at the very least.
So let me ask you one last time… How Is Your Social Diet?
If it’s not 90% Positive People Who Uplift You and Are Like-Minded (Fresh Nutrient-Rich Whole Foods) then its time to make a huge change NOW!
Be sure to check out a Podcast Episode that my wife Siri Shakti who is a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and myself discussed on this same topic.
You can listen to more RockStarInLife Podcast Episodes Here: https://rockstarinlife.com/love-your-family-and-choose-your-friends/
Be a RockStar In your Life,
& Make The World Your Stage!
Dan Ardebili
Dr. Dan Ardebili is the co-founder of The 2RockStars, He is also a Internationally Renowned Best Selling Author, Reality TV Producer, Relationship & Life-Style Expert and Coach (teaching the world to live life with style!), Radio Show Host, and much more.